Friday 25 March 2016

Textures Created to Reflect the Qualities of Materials

Textures Created to Reflect the Qualities of Materials

The following 36 textures were drawn during week three's Design Studio 1 tutorial. The words that accompany these textures (the words the the textures were created in response to) are words that myself and a group of four other people came up with to describe the qualities that different building materials possess. 

Crystalline ~ Brittle ~ Expands ~ Porous ~ Fiberous ~ Dense
Rough ~ Viscous ~ Raw ~ Elastic ~ Opaque ~ Reactive

Rigid ~ Enduring ~ Natural ~ Flammable ~ Fluid ~ Buoyant
Flaky ~ Uniform ~ Tensile ~ Conductive ~ Synthetic ~ Maleable

Flexible ~ Transluscent ~ Light ~ Water Resistant ~ Sedimentary ~ Luminescent
Insulate ~ Absorbant ~ Sound-proof ~ Magnetic ~ Diaphanous ~ Flimsy

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